Your guide to the roads of Second Life!

Introduction The Continents The Drive Guides Tips for Travelers Contact Info The continent of Heterocera Route 1, Traverse Road and Atoll Road Route 2 (and several other roads) Southwestern Heterocera Route 3, 3a , 3b and 3.5 Route 4 Route 5 Route 6 and the Great Wall SL Railway on Heterocera Important intersections and road end points The Continent of Gaeta 5 Route 7 Route 7A and 7B The Continent of Satori Route 8 Route 8A Route 8B and Old Wagon Road Route 8C The Continent of Jeogeot Route 9 and 9A Route 10 and Northern Spur Road Wellington Road and "The Shortcut" West Coast Road, The Moleway and an Off-Road Route The Continent of Corsica Route 11 and Magellan Pass Circuit La Corse and its sideroads The Continent of Nautilus Route Route 12, 12A and 12B Route 13 Route 14

When I visited Corsica, I had decided to try something new; I wanted to sail from a continent that I had already explored to this new (to me) land. Sailing from Satori, I arrived at Corsica and came ashore here, very close to a road called Circuit La Corse. I then headed east for a short distance to find the nearest rez zone, which also turned out to be an intersection with one of the four side roads connected to this road.

Consulting the map, I found that Circuit La Corse makes a complete, unbroken loop around a large part of the larger, eastern part of Corsica. With no clear starting point on the loop, I decided to make the intersection the start of my exploration, and start of the drive guide below.

In addition to the main loop, Circuit La Corse has four sideroads that cross the interior to join up again with the main roadon the other side. Unlike any sideroads I had seen before, there four roads were also identified as Circuit La Corse, so for the purpose of this guide, I simply named them Roads 1 through 4. I don't know the best way to explore the sideroads; I traveled each one separately after completing the outer loop.

I also came across several other features that were uniqute to Corsica (unique so far in my travels). First, there are road signs indicating upcoming sims and distance in meters to the next rez zone. There are also road signs showing grade percentages of upcoming hills, and signs warning of upcoming crosswalks. Most of the rez zones are quite large compared to zones on other continents. I also saw a few sim crossing signs, but not all of them were marked.

At the intersection you can go SE/NW to follow along the coast, or NE to head inland.

Circuit La Corse Drive Guide

This trip starts at the intersection of Circuit La Corse and a side road that I'm calling Side Road 1. My usual inclination when starting at a random point on a looping road is to head west, so I headed Northwest in this case.

And back to where we started

Sideroad 1

From the starting intersection, you can go north east to head inland, or you can go SE/NW to follow along the coast and the entire loop of Circuit La Corse. This road starts with a long, uphill grade as it moves inland.

There is a rez zone a short distance from this intersection on the main loop. Turn left for the rez zone.

Sideroad 2

Starting at the northern end of this road, head south to go inland from the main loop.

Sideroad 3

Starting at the northern end of this road, head south to go inland from the main loop.

Sideroad 4

Starting at the northern end of this road, head south to go inland from the main loop. This road starts with a long, uphill grade as it moves inland.

Get in the car and go!