Your guide to the roads of Second Life!

Introduction The Continents The Drive Guides Tips for Travelers Contact Info The continent of Heterocera Route 1, Traverse Road and Atoll Road Route 2 (and several other roads) Southwestern Heterocera Route 3, 3a , 3b and 3.5 Route 4 Route 5 Route 6 and the Great Wall SL Railway on Heterocera Important intersections and road end points The Continent of Gaeta 5 Route 7 Route 7A and 7B The Continent of Satori Route 8 Route 8A Route 8B and Old Wagon Road Route 8C The Continent of Jeogeot Route 9 and 9A Route 10 and Northern Spur Road Wellington Road and "The Shortcut" West Coast Road, The Moleway and an Off-Road Route The Continent of Corsica Route 11 and Magellan Pass Circuit La Corse and its sideroads The Continent of Nautilus Route Route 12, 12A and 12B Route 13 Route 14

The great wall is, as you might expect, a huge wall. It also has a roadway on top. I've lumped it together with Route 6 because The Great Wall ends at the western end of Route 6. You can ride on top of the Great Wall, or down inside of it, but I wouldn't reccomend inside. Inside there are several stairwell openings with no guard rails, and I managed to fall into one of them on my scooter. I suppose a car would do better, lol.

The southern end of the wall starts at a giant Egyption-ish temple located on Robin Loop. The Roadway itself connects to the roof of the temple, and there is a rez zone up there to the left of the reflecting pool. You may have a little trouble getting across the reflecting pool to the road, but just be resourceful ;)

Route 6 is also known as "The High Mountain Road" as it clings to the sides of some of the tallest peaks in Second Life. This road is a pleasant, rustic drive through wooded areas and covered bridges and tunnels. It has a surprising number of buildings along its path, considering the tall mountainsides it travels along. Definitely a fitting end to all of the road routes available on Heterocera.

The southeastern end of Route 6 dead ends at some private property, but the SLRR Pavonia Station is a short distance staight ahead, so you can catch a train from here :)

Great Wall landmarks (click to go to the landmark)

Route 6 Landmarks

Let's hop in the car and hit the road!