The Continents
The Drive Guides
Tips for Travelers
Contact Info
The continent of Heterocera
Route 1, Traverse Road and Atoll Road
Route 2 (and several other roads)
Southwestern Heterocera
Route 3, 3a , 3b and 3.5
Route 4
Route 5
Route 6 and the Great Wall
SL Railway on Heterocera
Important intersections and road end points
The Continent of Gaeta 5
Route 7
Route 7A and 7B
The Continent of Satori
Route 8
Route 8A
Route 8B and Old Wagon Road
Route 8C
The Continent of Jeogeot
Route 9 and 9A
Route 10 and Northern Spur Road
Wellington Road and "The Shortcut"
West Coast Road, The Moleway and an Off-Road Route
The Continent of Corsica
Route 11 and Magellan Pass
Circuit La Corse and its sideroads
The Continent of Nautilus
Route Route 12, 12A and 12B
Route 13
Route 14
Route 5 is a shorter ride that you can easily do all at once. Much of the land along this route is sparsely built up, but its still a pleasant ride with lots of views of Heterocera's eastern outer coast. The southwest end of Route 5 starts at an intersection with un-named roadway, but its just a short distance from the eastern end of Route 1. From here you can go southwest to go across the bay back to the western side of Route 1, north back to the eastern end of Route 1, or go east on Route 5. There is a gas station and rez zone at this intersection, so you can start right here. Sim crossings are not marked for approximately the first third of the route, and there are also no rez zones (after the gas station) until you get to the SL Railway line.
The northern end of Route 5 ends at the Melanthia SLRR Station, and the TAG Public Airport. There are a few things to see here, or you can catch a ride on the rail road. Watch out for the self driving taxi cab in the parking lot!
Route 5
- Southwest end of Route 5
- Jct 1&5 Service Center and Rez Zone, Telea
- The cobble stone roadway turns into long stone bridge here
- Volunteer Amphitheatre (up the hill to the left)
- SLRR crossing
- Route 5 Mocis Rezz Zone, Mocis
- Entrance to Lutra City (city build, worth a look)
- Gas station in Lutra City and rez zone
- Route 5 Rez Zone, Lutra
Sim border crossings begin to be listed after the Lutra rez zone. Slowing down for sim crossings can make crossing much smoother.
- Route 5 Ufeus Rez Zone, Ufeus (lighthouse nearby on right)
- SLRR crossing
- Motel [Haramoowa] and rez zone
- Route 5 Cisthene Rez Zone, Cisthene
- Route 5 Rez Zone, Myron
- Entrance to The Town of Philomena (Cute vintage American town)
- Another entrance to The Town of Philomena (Town also has a working trolley car)
- Route 5 Rez Zone, Lasiocampa
- Route 5 Rez Zone, Denrolimus
- Xanthorhoe Public Dock and Rez Zone (odd place with flying saucers and other things to see and do)
- Route 5 Rez Zone, Xanthorhoe (Northern end of Route 5)
Let's hit the road!