Your guide to the roads of Second Life!

Introduction The Continents The Drive Guides Tips for Travelers Contact Info The continent of Heterocera Route 1, Traverse Road and Atoll Road Route 2 (and several other roads) Southwestern Heterocera Route 3, 3a , 3b and 3.5 Route 4 Route 5 Route 6 and the Great Wall SL Railway on Heterocera Important intersections and road end points The Continent of Gaeta 5 Route 7 Route 7A and 7B The Continent of Satori Route 8 Route 8A Route 8B and Old Wagon Road Route 8C The Continent of Jeogeot Route 9 and 9A Route 10 and Northern Spur Road Wellington Road and "The Shortcut" West Coast Road, The Moleway and an Off-Road Route The Continent of Corsica Route 11 and Magellan Pass Circuit La Corse and its sideroads The Continent of Nautilus Route Route 12, 12A and 12B Route 13 Route 14

The two sections of Route 8A together make up the second longest road on Satori. Each half is fairly short ride, but together they are still less than half of Route 8. Route 8A also has some elevation changes, but nothing you can't handle =^.^=

This guide starts at the southern end of the southern section of Route 8A, which is divided into 2 sections, with a large gap in between. To start, use the rez zone located on Route 8, a short distance to the north of this intersection. Like Route 8, 8A has lots to see, and many GTFO Hubs; I also spotted a Hotel with skybox rooms you can rent for 2 hours or less... for those times when you need a skybox for 2 hours or less! *wink*

Southern section of Route 8A

This isn't a very exciting end point, just a dead end at The Dead End Diner, lol. There are also two bill boards that can teleport you to Old Wagon Road, or to the next section of Route 8A (billboard on left). Click them, they're fun! ;)

Northern section of Route 8A

Lots of open spaces and views on the opening stretch of the southern end of the northern section of Route 8A. From this starting point you can head NE on Route 8A, or click the lanterns on either side of the tunnel to teleport to the southern section of 8A.

From here you can go east or west for Route 8, or turn around and go south on Route 8A.

We love to travel!